;;; vm-addons.el --- extra stuff for VM ;; Author: Noah Friedman ;; Created: 1994 ;; Public domain ;; $Id: vm-addons.el,v 1.19 2017/10/13 02:14:00 friedman Exp $ ;;; Commentary: ;;; Code: (require 'vm) (require 'fmailutils) (require 'list-fns) (require 'string-fns) (require 'buffer-fns) ;; for toggle-variable-command (defvar vma-envelope-regexp "^From ") (defvar vma-forward-types '(("mime") ("rfc934") ("rfc1153") ("none")) "Forwarding/digest types supported by VM. This variable is used by `vma-read-forward-type'.") (defvar vma-vm-meta-state-headers '("X-VM-Bookmark" "X-VM-IMAP-Retrieved" "X-VM-Labels" "X-VM-Last-Modified" "X-VM-Message-Order" "X-VM-POP-Retrieved" "X-VM-Summary-Format" "X-VM-VHeader" "X-VM-v5-Data") "Headers created by VM for maintaining VM state. These headers are purged from messages by `vma-discard-cached-data'.") ;; Used by vma-do-reply-list. (defvar vma-do-reply-list-called nil) (defun vma-afa-match-format (format-str &rest match-values) "Creates a string of the format FORMAT-STR by getting buffer-substrings determined by the &rest values MATCH-VALUES. This function is meant to be used when setting vm-auto-folder-alist. It allows you to construct filenames from saved regexp patterns. Example: (setq vm-auto-folder-alist '(\"To\" (\"info-\\\\([^@%]*\\\\)\" . (vma-afa-match-format \"info-%s\" 1)) (\"foo-\\\\(bar\\\\)@\\\\(baz\\\\)\" . (vma-afa-match-format \"foo%s@%s\" 1 2)))) Thus, a To: line addressed to info-gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu would be saved by default in a folder called \"info-gnu\", and mail addressed to foo-bar@baz would go in a folder called \"foobar@baz\"." (apply 'format format-str (mapcar (lambda (match-value) (buffer-substring (match-beginning match-value) (match-end match-value))) match-values))) ;;;###autoload (defun vma-discard-cached-data () "Like `vm-discard-cached-data', but more aggressive. This function actually removes the cache from the folder so that the effect is more permanent. This also affects all messages in the folder." (interactive) (and (eq major-mode 'vm-mode) (let* ((current (memq (car vm-message-pointer) vm-message-list)) (all (length vm-message-list)) (pre (- (length current) all)) (post (length current))) ;; Try to flush vm's "in-memory" cache? (vm-discard-cached-data pre) (vm-discard-cached-data post))) (let ((mail-header-separator "") (headers nil) (case-fold-search t) (buffer-read-only nil)) (save-excursion (save-restriction (widen) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward vma-envelope-regexp nil t) (narrow-to-region (point) (point-max)) (setq headers vma-vm-meta-state-headers) (while headers (fmailutils-remove-header (car headers) t) (setq headers (cdr headers)))))))) ;;;###autoload (defun vma-fixup-html-paragraphs () (interactive) (vm-edit-message) (goto-char (point-min)) (re-search-forward "^$") (replace-regexp "
" "

\n") (goto-char (point-min)) (re-search-forward "^$") (replace-regexp "^
" "") (vm-edit-message-end)) ;;; Virtual selectors (defun vm-vs-sent-between (m dates) (if (stringp dates) (setq dates (string-split dates nil 2))) (not (or (vm-vs-sent-before m (nth 0 dates)) (vm-vs-sent-after m (nth 1 dates))))) (set-alist-slot 'vm-virtual-selector-function-alist 'sent-between 'vm-vs-sent-between) (set-alist-slot 'vm-supported-interactive-virtual-selectors "sent-between" nil) (put 'sent-between 'vm-virtual-selector-clause "between dates YYYYMMDD and YYYYMMDD (exclusive range)") (put 'sent-between 'vm-virtual-selector-arg-type 'string) ;;;###autoload (defun vma-kill-duplicate-messages-by-message-id (&optional mp) "Mark as deleted any message with a duplicate message ID. Any undeleted message which has a Message ID indentical to that of another undeleted message in the same folder, is marked for deletion." (interactive) (vm-select-folder-buffer) (vm-check-for-killed-summary) (vm-error-if-folder-read-only) (vm-error-if-folder-empty) (let ((htbl (make-vector 103 0)) (n 0) (case-fold-search t) mid) (unless mp (setq mp vm-message-list)) (while mp (cond ((vm-deleted-flag (car mp))) (t (setq mid (vm-su-message-id (car mp))) (or mid (debug (car mp))) (when (intern-soft mid htbl) (vm-set-deleted-flag (car mp) t) (setq n (1+ n))) (intern mid htbl))) (setq mp (cdr mp))) (and (interactive-p) (message "%d duplicate%s marked deleted" n (if (= n 1) "" "s"))) (vm-update-summary-and-mode-line) (when vm-move-after-killing (let ((vm-circular-folders (and vm-circular-folders (eq vm-move-after-killing t)))) (vm-next-message 1 t executing-kbd-macro))) n)) ;;; See also `vma-kill-messages-by-descriptor' below for alternative, ;;; virtual-folder subject-based methods. ;; Adapted from VM 6.72 vm-kill-subject (defun vma-kill-subject-by (type data &optional interactivep) (vm-follow-summary-cursor) (vm-select-folder-buffer) (vm-check-for-killed-summary) (vm-error-if-folder-read-only) (vm-error-if-folder-empty) (let ((mp vm-message-list) (n 0) (case-fold-search t) (matcher (if (eq type 'regexp) 'string-match 'string-equal))) (save-match-data (while mp (and (not (vm-deleted-flag (car mp))) (funcall matcher data (vm-so-sortable-subject (car mp))) (progn (vm-set-deleted-flag (car mp) t) (vm-increment n))) (setq mp (cdr mp)))) (and interactivep (if (zerop n) (message "No messages deleted.") (message "%d message%s deleted" n (if (= n 1) "" "s")))) (vm-display nil nil '(vm-kill-subject) '(vm-kill-subject)) (vm-update-summary-and-mode-line) (if vm-move-after-killing (let ((vm-circular-folders (and vm-circular-folders (eq vm-move-after-killing t)))) (vm-next-message 1 t executing-kbd-macro))) n)) ;;;###autoload (defun vma-kill-subject-by-regexp (re &optional interactivep) (interactive "sKill subject regexp: ") (vma-kill-subject-by 'regexp re (interactive-p))) ;;;###autoload (defun vma-kill-subject-matching-region (beg end &optional interactivep) (interactive "r") (let ((s (buffer-substring beg end))) (vma-kill-subject-by 'literal s (interactive-p)))) ;;;###autoload (defvar vma-kill-message-descriptor-alist nil "*Default descriptor alist used by `vma-kill-messages-by-descriptor'.") ;;;###autoload (defun vma-kill-messages-by-descriptor (&optional name virtual-folder-alist) "Mark messages in virtual folder as deleted. Messages targeted for deletion are those of virtual folder named NAME in VIRTUAL-FOLDER-ALIST. If NAME is not specified, it defaults to \"vma-kill-messages-by-descriptor\". If VIRTUAL-FOLDER-ALIST is not specified, it defaults to the value of `vma-kill-messages-by-descriptor-alist' if non-nil; otherwise it defaults to the value of `vm-virtual-folder-alist'. For example: \(setq vma-kill-message-descriptor-alist '\(\(\"vma-kill-messages-by-descriptor\" \(\(buffer-file-name\) \(and \(author \"spammer\"\) \(subject \"annoying topic\"\)\) \(author \"^\\\(mailer-daemon\\|postmaster\\\)@\"\) \(subject \"^Postmaster notify: User unknown$\"\)\)\)\)\)" (interactive) (or name (setq name "vma-kill-messages-by-descriptor")) (or virtual-folder-alist (setq virtual-folder-alist (or vma-kill-message-descriptor-alist vm-virtual-folder-alist))) (and name virtual-folder-alist (assoc name virtual-folder-alist) (let ((case-fold-search t) (n 0) (s nil) (last-command) (old-marks (vm-marked-messages)) (vm-virtual-folder-alist virtual-folder-alist)) (save-match-data (unwind-protect (progn (vm-clear-all-marks) (setq s (vm-mark-matching-messages-with-virtual-folder name)) (and (string-match "^\\([0-9]+\\) messages? marked$" s) (setq n (string-to-number (match-string 1 s)))) (setq last-command 'vm-next-command-uses-marks) (vm-delete-message 1)) (vm-clear-all-marks) (vma-restore-marks old-marks))) (and (interactive-p) (if (zerop n) (message "No messages deleted.") (message "%d message%s deleted" n (if (= n 1) "" "s")))) n))) (defun vma-restore-marks (marks) "Mark messages indicated in MARKS. MARKS should be the result from a previous call to `vm-marked-messages'." (let ((mp vm-message-list)) (while mp (cond ((memq (car mp) marks) (vm-set-mark-of (car mp) t) (vm-mark-for-summary-update (car mp) t))) (setq mp (cdr mp)))) (vm-update-summary-and-mode-line)) ;; This should not necessarily be enabled by default. ;(add-hook 'vm-arrived-messages-hook 'vma-kill-messages-by-descriptor) (defun vma-kill-vm-summary-buffer () "This is useful to put on `kill-buffer-hook' in vm-mode." (and (boundp 'vm-summary-buffer) vm-summary-buffer (get-buffer vm-summary-buffer) (buffer-name vm-summary-buffer) (kill-buffer vm-summary-buffer))) (defun vma-mail-yank-default () "Like `vm-mail-yank-default', but compute the `message' arg. Use `vm-reply-list' or `vm-forward-list', whichever is active for this buffer. This function optionally goes on `mail-citation-hook' so that the default quoted message preparation is done even if other functions are on that hook. Ordinarily `vm-mail-yank-default' is only run by default if `mail-citation-hook' is nil." (vm-mail-yank-default (car (or vm-reply-list vm-forward-list)))) (defun vma-mime-boundary () (save-excursion (save-match-data (let ((mail-header-separator "") contents) (vma-widen-message-headers) (setq contents (car (fmailutils-header-contents "Content-Type"))) (and (stringp contents) (string-match "boundary=\"\\(.*?\\)\"" contents) (match-string 1 contents)))))) ;;;###autoload (defun vma-mime-add-final-boundary () "Edit message to include final mime boundary if missing." (interactive) (save-excursion (save-match-data (let* ((case-fold-search t) (mail-header-separator "") (region-beg (vma-widen-message-headers)) (hdr (car (fmailutils-header-contents "Content-Type"))) (boundary (and (string-match "boundary=\"\\([^\"]+\\)\"" hdr) (matching-substring 1 hdr))) (boundary-re (concat "^--" (regexp-quote boundary) "--"))) (narrow-to-region region-beg (point-max)) (or boundary (error "Cannot determine mime boundary")) (goto-char (point-max)) (or (re-search-backward boundary-re nil t) (let ((vm-edit-message-mode 'fundamental-mode) (mail-header-separator "")) ;; Let me know why the message has been labeled as edited (fmailutils-put-header "X-vma-mime-add-final-boundary" "Added missing final mime boundary separator") (vm-edit-message) (goto-char (point-max)) (insert "\n--" boundary "--\n") (vm-edit-message-end))))))) ;;;###autoload (defun vma-mime-send-body-to-file (&optional filename) (interactive) (let ((layout nil)) (cond ((or (and (boundp 'vm-fsfemacs-p) vm-fsfemacs-p) ; vm 6.35+ (and (boundp 'vm-fsfemacs-19-p) vm-fsfemacs-19-p)) ; vm 6.34- (let ((ovls (overlays-at (point)))) (while ovls (cond ((vm-extent-property (car ovls) 'vm-mime-layout) (setq layout (car ovls)) (setq ovls nil)) (t (setq ovls (cdr ovls))))))) (vm-xemacs-p (setq layout (extent-at (point) nil 'vm-mime-layout)))) (if layout (vm-mime-send-body-to-file layout filename) (error "Cannot find any VM MIME layout properties at point.")))) (defun vm-mime-display-internal-application/x-pkcs7-signature (layout) t) (defun vm-mime-display-button-application/x-pkcs7-signature (layout) (vm-mime-display-button-xxxx layout t)) (and (boundp 'vm-auto-displayed-mime-content-types) (add-list-members 'vm-auto-displayed-mime-content-types "application/x-pkcs7-signature")) ;;;###autoload (defun vma-nuke-message-body-text-properties () (require 'buffer-fns) (nuke-all-text-properies (+ (fmailutils-header-separator-position) (length mail-header-separator)) (point-max))) ;;;###autoload (defun vma-peek () "Peek at readable spool files in VM mode without using inboxes." (interactive) (let ((spools vm-spool-files) (nbuf (generate-new-buffer "virtual inbox")) f) (pop-to-buffer nbuf) (while spools (setq f (car spools)) (setq spools (cdr spools)) (and (consp f) (setq f (nth 1 f))) (and (file-readable-p f) (insert-file-contents f)))) (vm-mode) (make-local-variable 'vm-confirm-quit) (setq vm-confirm-quit nil)) ;;;###autoload (defun vma-reply-list (count) "Reply to only the recipient (\"To:\" addresses) of the message. In all other respects, this command behaves just like \\[vm-reply] \(which see\)." (interactive "p") (vma-do-reply-list nil count)) ;;;###autoload (defun vma-reply-list-include-text (count) "Reply to only the recipient (\"To:\" addresses) of the message. In all other respects, this command behaves just like \\[vm-reply-include-text] (which see)." (interactive "p") (vma-do-reply-list t count)) ;; Putting a wrapper around vm-do-reply is "easier" ;; to install than applying a patch to the source... (defadvice vm-get-header-contents (before vm-addons:do-reply-list activate) (when (and (boundp 'vma-do-reply-list-called) (eq vma-do-reply-list-called t) (string= (ad-get-arg 1) "Reply-To:")) (ad-set-arg 1 "To:"))) (defun vma-do-reply-list (include-text count) (vm-follow-summary-cursor) (vm-select-folder-buffer) (vm-check-for-killed-summary) (vm-error-if-folder-empty) (let ((vm-reply-ignored-reply-tos nil) (vma-do-reply-list-called t)) (vm-do-reply nil include-text count))) ;; This choice of bindings predicated on the theory that including text is ;; more common than not. Lowercase `l' is already bound to something ;; actually useful. ;(define-key vm-mode-map "L" 'vma-reply-list-include-text) ;(define-key vm-mode-map "\C-cl" 'vma-reply-list) (defun vma-read-forward-type (&optional prompt) (or prompt (setq prompt "Forward using digest type")) (setq prompt (format "%s (default %s): " prompt vm-forwarding-digest-type)) (let ((result (completing-read prompt vma-forward-types))) (cond ((or (null result) (string= "" result)) vm-forwarding-digest-type) ((string= result "none") nil) (t result)))) (defun vma-send-digest-all-headers (&optional prefix digest-type) "Like `vm-send-digest', but retain all headers. With prefix arg, query for digest type \(one of `vma-forward-types'\)." (interactive (list current-prefix-arg ;; Don't let self-insert commands (via keyboard input) ;; override setting vm-next-command-uses-marks. (let ((last-command last-command)) (vma-read-forward-type "Digest format")))) (let ((vm-rfc934-digest-headers '(".*")) (vm-rfc1153-digest-headers '(".*")) (vm-mime-digest-headers '(".*")) (vm-digest-send-type digest-type)) (cond ((interactive-p) ;; Allow using marks with this wrapper command and propagate to ;; vm-send-digest. (and (eq last-command 'vm-next-command-uses-marks) (setq this-command last-command)) (call-interactively 'vm-send-digest)) (t (vm-send-digest prefix))))) (defun vma-set-spool-file (inbox spoolnames &optional crashbox) "For INBOX, record associated SPOOLNAMES for VM. When \\[vm-get-new-mail] is invoked for a specified inbox, VM will incorporate all the mail in each of the spool files. The optional third argument CRASHBOX specifies the name of the temporary two-stage commit folder to which to copy incoming mail; see variable `vm-spool-files'. SPOOLNAMES may be a single string if there is only one spool file to associate with the INBOX. Previous associations for the specified INBOX which are not listed in SPOOLNAMES are not deleted, i.e. new spoolnames are appended. However, if a specified spool name is already associated with a different inbox, that previous association is deleted from the other inbox. It is possible to remove spoolnames entirely by passing `nil' as the inbox name." (and inbox (setq inbox (expand-file-name inbox))) (and (stringp spoolnames) (setq spoolnames (list spoolnames))) (if crashbox (setq crashbox (expand-file-name crashbox)) (setq crashbox (concat inbox ".CRASH"))) (let ((record-alist) (new-alist nil)) (while spoolnames (setq record-alist (car (member-by (car spoolnames) vm-spool-files (lambda (elt obj) (string= elt (nth 1 obj)))))) (cond ((and record-alist (stringp (car record-alist)) (string= (car record-alist) inbox))) (t (and record-alist (setq vm-spool-files (delq record-alist vm-spool-files))) (and inbox (setq new-alist (cons (list inbox (car spoolnames) crashbox) new-alist))))) (setq spoolnames (cdr spoolnames))) (and new-alist (setq vm-spool-files (append vm-spool-files (nreverse new-alist))))) vm-spool-files) (defun vma-widen-message-headers () "Expose all headers of the current message. Return a marker pointing to the original start of the narrowed region." (let ((beg (point-min)) (end (point-max)) (re-header-start "^From ")) (goto-char (point-min)) (widen) ;; In VM, if the headers are already toggled show-all, then the ;; envelope address is also already in view (at point-min), so ;; first scan forward to the end of the message headers, then go back. (re-search-forward "^$" nil t) (cond ((re-search-backward re-header-start nil t) (end-of-line) (forward-char 1) (narrow-to-region (point) end) (set-marker (make-marker) beg)) (t ;; Couldn't find start of messages; restore original region and ;; return nil to indicate no changes. (narrow-to-region beg end) nil)))) (defun vma-signature-region () (save-excursion (save-match-data (let ((mail-header-separator "") beg end mime-boundary) (goto-char (fmailutils-body-start-position)) (when (or (re-search-forward "^--[ \t]*$" nil t) ;; signature (re-search-forward "^__+\r?\n[^\n]* mailing list" nil t)) ;; mailman footer (setq beg (match-beginning 0)) (cond ((setq mime-boundary (vma-mime-boundary)) (setq mime-boundary (concat "^--" (regexp-quote mime-boundary))) (if (re-search-forward mime-boundary nil t) (setq end (progn (beginning-of-line) (1- (point)))))))) (if beg (list beg (or end (point-max))) nil))))) ;; Changing w3m blockquote indentation into classic mail/usenet citation. (defvar vma-w3m-cite-mode nil "Don't change this. Use the function instead.") ;; If you're in a utf8 mood, you can add the following characters: ;; \x00bb RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK ;; \x203a SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK ;; \x2bc8 BLACK MEDIUM RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE CENTRED ;; \x2192 RIGHT ARROW ;; \x23f5 BLACK MEDIUM RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE ;; \x25b6 BLACK RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE ;; \x25ba BLACK RIGHT-POINTING POINTER ;; \x276F HEAVY RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK ORNAMENT (defvar vma-w3m-cite-chars ">") (defun vma-w3m-cite-mode (&optional prefix) (interactive "P") (toggle-variable-command 'vma-w3m-cite-mode prefix) ;; Emacs 22's defn did not take an argument. ;; Don't bother accomodating old versions for now. (and (string-lessp "22" emacs-version) (called-interactively-p 'interactive) (let ((state (if vma-w3m-cite-mode "enabled" "disabled"))) (message "vm-w3m blockquote citation rendering is %s" state)))) (defun vma-w3m-cite-preprocess (&optional inside-blockquote) "Quote paragraphs in

with the citation mark. The variable `vma-w3m-cite-chars' specifies the citation mark for the current indent level." (let ((case-fold-search t)) (while (and (re-search-forward "\[\t\n ]*<[\t\n ]*blockquote\\(?:[\t\n ]*>\\|[\t\n ]+[^>]+>\\)" nil t) (w3m-end-of-tag "blockquote" t)) (save-restriction (narrow-to-region (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)) (goto-char (point-max)) (insert "
__DEC_INDENT__") (goto-char (point-min)) (insert "__INC_INDENT__
") (vma-w3m-cite-preprocess 'inside-blockquote))))) (defun vma-w3m-cite-postprocess (depth prev-indent-column) (when (re-search-forward "__INC_INDENT__" nil t) (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (let* ((new-indent-column (current-column)) (replace-width (- new-indent-column prev-indent-column)) (region-beg (progn (beginning-of-line) (point))) region-end) (goto-char region-beg) (delete-region (point) (1+ (match-end 0))) (save-match-data (vma-w3m-cite-postprocess (1+ depth) new-indent-column)) (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (when (re-search-forward "__DEC_INDENT__" nil t) (setq region-end (new-marker (match-beginning 0) nil t)) (delete-region (1- (match-beginning 0)) (match-end 0)) (goto-char region-beg) (while (< (point) region-end) (move-to-column new-indent-column t) (delete-char (- replace-width)) (insert (aref vma-w3m-cite-chars (mod depth (length vma-w3m-cite-chars)))) (forward-line) (beginning-of-line)))))) (defun vma-mime-display-internal-emacs-w3m-text/html (start end layout) "Use emacs-w3m to inline HTML mails in the VM presentation buffer." (let ((w3m-display-inline-images vm-w3m-display-inline-images) (w3m-safe-url-regexp vm-w3m-safe-url-regexp) (w3m-force-redisplay nil)) (save-restriction (narrow-to-region start (1- end)) (goto-char (point-min)) (vma-w3m-cite-preprocess) (w3m-region start (1- end)) (goto-char start) (vma-w3m-cite-postprocess 0 0)) (add-text-properties start end (nconc (if vm-w3m-use-w3m-minor-mode-map (if (equal major-mode 'vm-presentation-mode) (vm-w3m-local-map-property))) ;; Put the mark meaning that this part was inlined by emacs-w3m. '(text-rendered-by-emacs-w3m t))))) (defadvice vm-mime-display-internal-emacs-w3m-text/html (around vm-addons:blockquote-cite activate) (if vma-w3m-cite-mode (setq ad-return-value (apply 'vma-mime-display-internal-emacs-w3m-text/html (ad-get-args 0))) ad-do-it)) (provide 'vm-addons) ;;; vm-addons.el ends here.