#! /usr/local/bin/perl # This script runs either standalone or as a CGI program, and converts # ChangeLogs as created by GNU Emacs into HTML representations for # viewing on the Web. # Caveat: this has been tested across a range of "reasonable" # ChangeLog files, but may not produce beautiful output under all # circumstances. Your mileage may vary. # Use the "--anchor" flag to create links to files. This will not # work correctly if your source tree lives outside your Web hierarchy, # or if you list multiple file names before the ":" in the log entry. # If you use "--anchor", you can use "--root" to give a Web-visible # path to the source tree. # Bryan O'Sullivan 10.95 require 5.000; # See whether we are a CGI script or being run standalone. if (defined $ENV{"REQUEST_METHOD"}) { $using_cgi = 1; if ($ENV{"REQUEST_METHOD"} eq "POST") { $length = $ENV{"CONTENT_LENGTH"} or die "No content length given!"; read(STDIN, $url_query, $length) or die "No data given!"; } else { $url_query = $ENV{"QUERY_STRING"}; } my (%query) = &decode($url_query); $opt_root = $query{"root"}; @files = ($query{"file"}); $opt_anchor = 1; } else { use Getopt::Long; &usage unless GetOptions("anchor", "filter", "root=s", "help"); &usage if ($opt_help); @files = @ARGV; } # Some variables which deal with munging plain text into HTML. %escs = qw { & amp < lt > gt " quot }; $escapes = join("", keys %escs); $opt_root =~ s@/+$@@g; # remove trailing slashes # We use a state machine to keep track of what closing tags we should # be inserting. foreach $logfile (@files) { open(IN, "< $logfile") or die "$logfile: $!"; $first_header = 1; foreach $line () { if ($line =~ /^(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(?# day, month, day of month )([\d:]+)\s+(\d+)\s+(?# time, year )([^(<]+)[(<]([^>)]+)[>)](?# name, email address )$/) { ($day, $month, $date, $time, $year, $name, $email) = "e($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7); $name =~ s/\s*$//g; $name =~ s/\s/ /g; $first_entry = 1; @outie = ("
\n", "$day $month $date $year, $time", "$name", "\n",); if ($first_header) { $first_header = 0; push @out, @outie; } else { push @out, ("", @outie); } } elsif ($line =~ /^\s+(\*\s*)?([^:]+):\s*([^\n]+)$/) { ($file_place, $text) = ($2, $3); if ($file_place =~ /^(\S*)\s*\(([^\)]+)\)$/) { $file = $1; $place = $2; } else { $file = $file_place; $place = ""; } if ($opt_anchor) { $file = "$file"; } ($text) = "e(ucfirst $text); @outie = ("$file$place", "$text\n"); if ($first_entry) { $first_entry = 0; push @out, @outie; } else { push @out, ("", @outie); } } elsif ($line =~ /^\s+\*\s*([^\n]+)$/) { ($text) = "e(ucfirst $1); @outie = ("$textd#\n"); if ($first_entry) { $first_entry = 0; push @out, @outie; } else { push @out, ("", @outie); } } elsif ($line ne "\n") { $line =~ s/^\s*(.*)\s*$/$1/g; ($line) = "e($line); push @out, "$line\n"; } } if (!$first_header) { push @out, "\n"; } if (!$using_cgi) { $logfile_html = ($opt_filter || ($logfile eq "-")) ? "-" : "$logfile.html"; open(OUT, "> $logfile_html") or die "$logfile_html: $!"; } if ($#out >= 0) { @out = ("
\n\n", "\n", "", "\n", @out, "
File namePlaceChange made
\n"); $out = join("", @out); } else { $out = "Empty ChangeLog."; } close(IN); if ($using_cgi) { print ("Content-Type: text/html\n", "Content-Length: ", length $out, "\n", "\n", $out); } else { print OUT $out; close(OUT); } } exit(0); # Print out a usage message and die. sub usage { print STDERR ("usage: cl2html [--help] [--anchor] [--filter] ", "[--root=www-root-dir] logfile ...\n"); exit(1); } # Split up and de-munge a URL-encoded string, returning the resulting # (key, value) pairs in an associative array. sub decode { my ($orig) = @_; my (@spl, @urls); my ($out, $val, %decoded); @urls = split(/\&/, $orig); foreach $thing (@urls) { @spl = split(/=/, $thing); ($val, $out) = @spl; $out =~ s/\+/ /g; $out =~ s/%(..)/pack("H2", $1)/ge; $decoded{$val} = $out; } return %decoded; } # Quote plain text for printing in HTML. # NOTE: this returns a LIST, not a single string! sub quote { my (@text) = @_; my (@out, $tmp); foreach $string (@text) { $tmp = $string; $tmp =~ s/([$escapes])/&$escs{$1};/go; push @out, $mp; } return @text; };