;;; math-fns.el --- various mathematic functions for emacs ;; Author: Noah Friedman ;; Maintainer: friedman@splode.com ;; Public domain. ;; $Id: math-fns.el,v 1.15 2020/11/03 07:09:49 friedman Exp $ ;;; Commentary: ;;; Code: (defun average (&rest x) "Return the average of all the arguments. If a single argument is passed and it is a list, return the average of the values in that list." (and (consp x) (null (cdr x)) (setq x (car x))) (/ (apply '+ x) (length x))) (defun next-power-of-two (x) "Returns the smallest power of two greater than X." (lsh 1 (1+ (logb x)))) ;; Not sure how useful this is when emacs's integers overflow at 12!... ;; On 64-bit v22 emacs, this overflows at 35!. ;; v24: 36! ;; v27: bignums! (defun factorial (n) "Return integer product 1*2*..*N." (let ((i 1)) (while (not (zerop n)) (setq i (* i n) n (- n 1))) i)) ;; Neme's approximation to Stirling's approximation. ;; Note that n! == gamma(n+1) (defun gamma (z) "Compute the Gamma function of Z" (unless (floatp z) (setq z (float z))) (* (sqrt (/ (* 2 float-pi) z)) (expt (/ (+ z (/ 1 (- (* 12 z) (/ 1 (* 10 z))))) float-e) z))) (defun greatest-common-divisor (a b) "Return the greatest integer that divides both A and B." (let ((result 0) min max) (cond ((and (zerop a) (zerop b))) (t (while (zerop result) (setq min (min a b)) (setq max (max a b)) (if (zerop (% max min)) (setq result min) (setq max (- max min)) (setq a max) (setq b min))))) result)) (defun least-common-multiple (a b) "Return the smallest number which has both A and B as factors." (* (/ (max a b) (greatest-common-divisor a b)) (min a b))) ;; x & (x-1) == 0 iff x == 2^n ;; if x == 2^n, only nth bit in x is set. ;; subtracting 1 flips all bits via a borrow; the logical AND is zero. ;; If x != 2^n, x-1 will flip all bits up to and including the first 1, but ;; will not negate the entire value and an AND will not produce zero. (defun power-of-two-p (n) "Return true if N is a power of two." (zerop (logand n (1- n)))) (defun sumorial (n) "Return the sum 1+2+..+N." (/ (* n (1+ n)) 2)) (defun valbits (&optional n) "Returns the number of binary bits required to represent n. If n is not specified, this is effectively the number of valbits emacs uses to represent ints---including the sign bit. Negative values of n will always require VALBITS bits, the number of bits emacs actually uses for its integer values, since the highest bit is used for the sign; use (abs n) to ignore the sign." (or n (setq n -1)) (let ((b 0)) (while (not (zerop n)) (setq n (lsh n -1)) (setq b (1+ b))) b)) ;;; combinatoric functions ;; Use actual factorials; will usually overflow anything without bignums ;(defun comb:choose (n k) ; "Compute nCk." ; (/ (factorial n) ; (* (factorial k) ; (factorial (- n k))))) (defun comb:choose (n k) "Compute nCk." (let ((n (float n)) (i 0) (c 1)) (while (> k i) (setq c (* c (/ (- n i) (- k i))) i (1+ i))) (floor c))) ;; Use actual factorials; will usually overflow anything without bignums ;(defun comb:permute (n r) ; "Compute nPr." ; (/ (factorial n) ; (factorial (- n r)))) (defun comb:permute (n r) "Compute nPr." (let ((i (- n r)) (p 1)) (while (<= (setq i (1+ i)) n) (setq p (* p i))) p)) ;;; computer formulae (defun capacity-si2bi (size unit) "Convert megabytes, gigabytes, etc. to mebibytes, gibibytes, etc. Unit is one of the following symbols: k m g t p" (let ((f (cdr (assq unit '((k . 1) (m . 2) (g . 3) (t . 4) (p . 5)))))) (* size (expt (/ 1000 1024.0) f)))) ;; c^2 = a^2 + b^2, where b = (h/w)a ;; => c^2 = a^2 + [(h/w)a]^2 ;; => c^2/a^2 = 1 + (h/w)^2 ;; => 1/a^2 = [1+(h/w)^2]/c^2 ;; => 1 = a^2 * [1+(h/w)^2]/c^2 ;; => a^2 = c^2/[1+(h/w)^2] (defun monitor-WxH (diag w-aspect h-aspect) "Compute the horizontal and vertical size of a monitor given DIAGONAL length and aspect ratio W-ASPECT:H-ASPECT." (let* ((h2w (/ (float h-aspect) (float w-aspect))) (w (sqrt (/ (expt diag 2) (1+ (expt h2w 2))))) (h (* w h2w))) (list w h))) (defun monitor-diagonal (w h) (sqrt (+ (* w w) (* h h)))) (defun cvt:ctof (c) "Convert degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit." (+ (* 1.8 c) 32)) (defun cvt:ftoc (f) "Convert degress Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius." (/ (- f 32) 1.8)) (defun cvt:mm-to-ligne (mm) "Convert millimeters to swiss lignes." (let* ((l (/ mm 2.2558291)) (i (floor l)) (f (- l i)) (s (* f 16))) (cons i s))) (defun cvt:ligne-to-mm (ligne &optional sixteenths) "Convert swiss lignes to millimeters." (if sixteenths (setq ligne (+ ligne (/ sixteenths 16.0)))) (* ligne 2.2558291)) ;;; Financial formulae (defun fin:APY (i &optional n) "Calculate annual percent yield using effective interest rate formula. Inputs are: I, the nominal interest rate in decimal form (i.e. 0.05 for 5%); N, number of compounding periods per year. Defaults to 12." (unless n (setq n 12)) (- (expt (1+ (/ i n)) n) 1)) (defun fin:interest-earned (principal interest-rate months &optional compounds-per-year) "Return the total compounded interest earned on principal. PRINCIPAL specifies the starting principal. INTEREST-RATE specifies the nominal interest rate. MONTHS specifies the duration that interest accrues. Optional COMPOUNDS-PER-YEAR specifies how often interest payments are made annually, and thus how frequently interest-on-interest can be accrued." (* principal (/ (fin:APY interest-rate compounds-per-year) 12) months)) (defun fin:loan-payment-per-period (principal nominal-rate num-payments &optional ppy) "Computes the monthly payment on a loan. Based on PRINCIPAL amount of the loan at an annual NOMINAL-RATE \(specifed as a fraction of 1) annual interest rate and given NUM-PAYMENTS total payments over the life of the loan, compute the amount that would be due for each payment period. Optional argument PPY (payments per year) defaults to 12." (unless ppy (setq ppy 12)) (let* ((i (/ (float nominal-rate) ppy)) (rn (expt (1+ i) num-payments))) (/ (* principal i rn) (- rn 1)))) (defun fin:principal-balance (principal period nominal-rate total-payments &optional ppy) "Computes remaining principal balance on a loan. Based on original PRINCIPAL loan amount at an annual NOMINAL-RATE \(specifed as a fraction of 1) annual interest rate and given TOTAL-PAYMENTS over the life of the loan, determine the principal remaining after payment period PERIOD. Optional argument PPY (payments per year) defaults to 12." (unless ppy (setq ppy 12)) (let* ((i (/ (float nominal-rate) ppy)) (rn (expt (1+ i) total-payments)) (pn (expt (1+ i) period))) (/ (* principal (- rn pn)) (- rn 1)))) (provide 'math-fns) ;;; math-fns.el ends here.