#!/usr/local/bin/es # aaa-init --- program Ann Arbor Ambassador power-on string # Copyright (C) 1993 Noah S. Friedman # Author: Noah Friedman # Created: 1993-06-17 # $Id: aaa-init,v 1.7 1996/03/03 22:44:47 friedman Exp $ # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, you can either send email to this # program's maintainer or write to: The Free Software Foundation, # Inc.; 59 Temple Place, Suite 330; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # Commentary: # Call with arg "boston" to initialize power-on string to know about MIT-AI # and GNU modem phone numbers. # Call with arg "austin" to initialize power-on string to know about UT and # CLI modem phone numbers. # Code: # This defines a null function that allows one to put form feeds (^L) in # scripts without causing an undefined command to be executed. fn-\f = {} # literal escape character. e = \033 # prefix for DCS start, quoted for power-on string qDCSstart = '~[P{@}' # CRLF sequence quoted for power-on string qCRLF= '{^}M{^}J' # Suffix for DCS end, quoted for power-on string. qDCSend = '{^}[\' # DCS prefix for unshifted PFn keys. PF1-prefix = 'H'; PF7-prefix = 'N' PF2-prefix = 'I'; PF8-prefix = 'O' PF3-prefix = 'J'; PF9-prefix = 'P' PF4-prefix = 'K'; PF10-prefix = 'Q' PF5-prefix = 'L'; PF11-prefix = 'R' PF6-prefix = 'M'; PF12-prefix = 'S' # DCS prefix for shifted PFn keys. SPF1-prefix = 'T'; SPF7-prefix = 'Z' SPF2-prefix = 'U'; SPF8-prefix = '[' SPF3-prefix = 'V'; SPF9-prefix = '\' SPF4-prefix = 'W'; SPF10-prefix = ']' SPF5-prefix = 'X'; SPF11-prefix = '^' SPF6-prefix = 'Y'; SPF12-prefix = '_' # Desired strings. if { ~ $1 ai boston cambridge mit gnu } \ { # number for graham-chex, a Livingston Portmaster terminal server # with 16 dialup ZyXEL 14.4KB modems SPF9 = 'ATDT2521821'^$qCRLF # rice-chex; defunct # SPF10 = 'ATDT2588265'^$qCRLF # terminus.lcs.mit.edu, a cisco terminal server. # This line is for the high-speed (>= 9600bps) modems. The slower # modems are 258-7111. SPF10 = 'ATDT2586222'^$qCRLF # albert's modem, a crummy Incomm 9600bps v.32/mnp5 modem. SPF11 = 'ATDT2587022'^$qCRLF } \ { ~ $1 austin cli ut utexas || ~ $1 () } \ { # Illuminati Online (io.com) SPF9 = 'ATDT4488950'^$qCRLF # telesys.ots.utexas.edu, the general UT dialup server SPF10 = 'ATDT4759996'^$qCRLF # houston.cli.com, a cisco terminal server # with 16 dialup Microcom 14.4KB modems SPF11 = 'ATDT4773054'^$qCRLF } # Useful init string for Incomm 9600bps modem. SPF12 = 'ATE1L3M1Q0V1X4S0=0S10=50\D0\J1\K3\N2\Q3'^$qCRLF # This assumes you want 60 lines of display initially. # This is quoted for power-on string. display-parameters = '~[[60;0;0;60;{P}' power-on-prefix = $e^'Pp' power-on-suffix = 'T{HANKS FOR TURNING ME ON}!~M~J'^$e^'\' let (pstring = '') { for (s = SPF9 SPF10 SPF11 SPF12) pstring = $pstring^$qDCSstart^$($s^-prefix)^$^($s)^$qDCSend pstring = $power-on-prefix^$pstring^$display-parameters^$power-on-suffix echo -n $pstring } # aaa-init ends here